
Check out our articles that describe more about the benefits of Aloe Vera and its use

10 Surprising Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Powder

Introduction to Aloe Vera Powder Aloe vera powder is derived from the inner gel of aloe vera plant leaves. It’s known for its various health benefits due to its rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Applying aloe vera powder on the skin can help with sunburns, acne, and dryness. When consumed, it can...
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Detox with Aloe Vera

One of the ancient Indian wonder plant, and modern superfood Aloe Vera is a magical plant. It is used in its gel and juice form as a beauty enhancer, boosts skin and hair health, makes you look younger, good for constipation and immunity boosting. Make sure to wash and clean the leaves before using...
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The best apple chai and Aloe Vera gel hot toddy recipe

Hundreds of years ago, English and Scottish pubs would pour hot water into Scotch whisky to help combat the dampness of winter. And later, with access to spices from India, these drinks became more & more flavourful. This incredibly warming hot toddy recipe features our flavourful Baked Apple Chai, rhum (or bourbon) and sweet brown sugar....
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Smoothies made with matcha & Aloe Vera Fresh Inner leaf gel fillets

Reading Time: < 1 minuteIt’s official: Smoothies aren’t just for Californians anymore. Usually made with fruit, veggies & a few other nutritious ingredients, smoothies have enjoyed a boost in popularity over the past few years.Have you tried adding matcha green tea powder to your feel-good blend? Matcha provides a dose of all the good...
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