Aloe Vera Powder

The diverse properties of Aloe Vera Powder

How much do you know about the properties of aloe vera, whether in its pure form or processed as aloe vera powder, gel, or juice? As a family, we have had a long and beneficial relationship with what we consider a wonderful gift of nature.

For years, we drank aloe vera juice and used it as a skin balm. When we witnessed some of the properties of aloe vera firsthand, we decided to share this open secret with Australia and the rest of the world. The idea of Alogenic was born, and we started our business in 2019...

Nutrients in Aloe Vera: Minerals - Vitamins A- C - E - B1- B2 - B6- B12 - 20 Amino Acids - Calcium - Sodium - Iron - Potassium -Magnesium - Zinc-Manganese - Copper - Chromium and Selenium.

You can also find more information on Aloe Vera in our Research Page
High Quality Aloe Vera Powder for Equine 200-1
From $59.00
From $59.00
Aloe Premium High Quality Juice Powder 200 - 1
From $59.00
From $59.00
Cosmetic Grade Aloe Vera High Quality Powder
From $59.00
From $59.00
High Quality Aloe Vera Juice Powder for Animals
From $59.00
From $59.00
Aloe Renew B Pest Deterrent Powder
From $47.50
From $47.50


Now more than ever, we believe that everyone has new opportunities to encourage peak health and wellness, and the unique properties of aloe vera can play a role in that relationship. Alogenic supplies our certified and organic aloe vera products for medicinal and cosmetic purposes as well as for animals and agriculture. Our organic aloe vera powder products are even a viable alternative to some chemically based drug treatments and fertilisers.

Alogenic helps you to maximise the many benefits of aloe leaf powder for humans, agriculture, and farm animals. Our suppliers are Australian growers who only farm organic and glyphosate-free aloe plants. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing plant is where the highly concentrated pure aloe vera juice (99.7%) blends and converts to gel. Our manufacturers even filter the air in the manufacturing room to ensure that no impurities enter the environment or contaminate any surfaces.

Skin, Hair, And General Health Uses

There are countless potential benefits to dry aloe vera powder when you use it regularly. You can consume aloe vera as a juice or apply it to skin and hair. Our products contain pure, glyphosate-free, and organic aloe powder, juice, or gel. Here are a few of your product options:

Organic Aloe Juice (Micropulp) is rich in nutrients, contains no added preservatives, and is sugar- and gluten-free. When you drink it regularly, this juice may help promote a healthy immune and digestive system.

Aloe Vera Massage Treatment may become a part of your pain relief regimen for muscle spasms, sprains, and strains. Be sure to use it only on unbroken skin. Try it as a hair treatment by massaging it into your scalp and onto your hair: simply leave it on for twenty minutes before shampooing.

Aloe Premium High-Quality Juice Powder is available in 100gram and 1kg packs. You can mix this highly concentrated powder to differing strengths to suit your preferences.

Harnessing Natural Aloe Vera

Alogenic is passionate about providing pure, organically grown, and additive-free aloe vera products to Australia. Contact us today to see how easy it is to order a variety of cosmetic, nutritional, and farming products online. We offer free shipping throughout Australia.

To pickup our products, please email us at for details